News Gc Students Advocate For Affordability Opportunity - 澳门足球博彩官方网址-澳门足球博彩官方网址



GC 学生 advocate for affordability, opportunity

College delegation participates in Student Advocacy Day in 安纳波利斯


澳门足球博彩官方网址 学生 participated in Tuesday’s Community College Student Advocacy Day in 安纳波利斯, including a visit with Delegate Jim Hinebaugh, who represents Garrett and Allegany counties in the House of Delegates. 如图所示, 从左到右, are 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Student Activities Manager Drew Catone, 学生 伊斯顿Rhoten and Tawananyasha Mirira, 委托Hinebaugh, 学生 林登Antoung and Samantha Preaskorn, 加勒特学院院长. 理查德•中型股.

安纳波利斯, MD – Every member of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Student Advocacy Day delegation chose GC for affordability and opportunity. The 学生 traveled to 安纳波利斯 Tuesday to ask state legislators to restore proposed funding cuts that threaten to erode the advantages of a community college education.

"I came to Garrett because it was close to home, 我可以踢足球, 而且价格实惠," said LaVale resident Samantha Preaskorn, a member of the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 delegation who noted a Promise Scholarship increased GC’s affordability for her.

伊斯顿Rhoten, who is attending 澳门足球博彩官方网址 with a Garrett County Scholarship Program award, 他说参加GC一直是他的目标.

“在这个地区长大, I always did things at the College like College and Me,罗滕说, referring to the program that annually brings local fifth-graders to GC so they can get an early college experience.

"I knew from an early age I was going to 澳门足球博彩官方网址,罗滕补充道。, a student delegate who also plays baseball for the Lakers.

林登Antoung, 在乔治王子郡长大的人, said 澳门足球博彩官方网址 offered an opportunity he could not find elsewhere.

"It was affordable and it was the only community college in Maryland with wrestling,安托尼说, a second-year starter on the Laker wrestling squad.

Tawananyasha Mirira came all the way from Zimbabwe for "more opportunities" than were available in his home country.

The four 学生 represented 澳门足球博彩官方网址 at Community College Student Advocacy Day, which included delegations from all 16 Maryland community colleges. A major focus of this year’s event was to advocate for restoring $22 million in cuts to community college operating budgets contained in Governor Wes Moore’s proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget.

"It was interesting seeing how things work and how different groups advocate for their interests," said 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Student Activities Manager Drew Catone, who coordinated GC’s participation in the statewide event.

The community college delegates heard from several members of the legislature, all of whom support restoring at least some of the budget cuts to community colleges.

"Your budget is a reflection of your priorities. 这是我的首要任务," Senator Cory McCray (District 45 – Baltimore City) said of restoring the budget cuts. "This isn’t a decision we have to let stand."

"This is not where we can cut," said Senator Mary Beth Carozza (District 38-Eastern Shore). “预算反映了我们的优先事项."

Senator Sarah Elfreth (District 30-Anne Arundel County) – who said she was a student advocate in 安纳波利斯 17 years ago – challenged the 学生 to make their voices heard.

“这个州议会是你们的州议会,埃尔弗里斯说, who in 2018 became the youngest woman ever elected to the Maryland State Senate at age 30.

The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 delegation met separately with Delegate Jim Hinebaugh, who represents Garrett and Allegany counties in the House of Delegates.

Hinebaugh praised the 学生 for participating in Advocacy Day. He also told the 学生 he is working to restore the cuts, which would disproportionately impact 澳门足球博彩官方网址.

"I thoroughly enjoyed talking with the 学生 about the Maryland Legislature, 他们在加勒特学院的经历, 以及他们未来的计划,海恩博说. "The visit and our discussion reinforced my appreciation for how critically important GC is to Garrett County."

GC’s state funding would be cut 21 percent if Governor Moore’s budget reductions are approved by the legislature.

Dr. 理查德•中型股, 加勒特学院校长, said he appreciated GC’s student delegates taking the time to participate in Community College Student Advocacy Day.

"That was a long day for the 学生," Midcap said of the seven-hour round trip. "But it was important for the legislators to hear directly from the 学生 about the potential impact of these budget cuts."

Midcap said a cut of the scope proposed by the governor "can’t be absorbed without doing significant harm to our 学生, 教师, 和工作人员."

"It’s impossible to lose one-fifth of our state funding without negative impacts,中盘股说. "I appreciate the efforts of 委托Hinebaugh and Senator [Mike] McKay on our behalf to restore these drastic cuts."

Midcap noted 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s enrollment grew by nearly 20 percent in fall 2023.

"A 20 percent increase in 学生 and a 21 percent decrease in state funding simply makes no sense,中盘股说. "We’ll be serving more 学生 with less resources – and that can’t occur without real hardship."